Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Federal Data Protection Laws On The United States

citizens a common law right to privacy against publications (Murray, 1997). The common law right to privacy has evolved through time, and the United States had reacted differently to specific information privacy concerns. Dimov (2013) reported, interestingly, that on the federal level, the United States sustained a sectorial method towards data protection legislation in which certain industries are protected and others are not (p. 4). The following are three federal data protection laws indicated as of great importance in the United States: (1) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) - governs the collection and distribution of health and financial data; (2) Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act (FACTA) - protects†¦show more content†¦The American public contributes to homeland security by providing tips and information to authorities of terroristic activities observed or learned (Sauter Carafano, 2012). Terrorism and cyber warfare are worldwide and no nation, country, government or tribe is immune to its destructive operations. The Patriot Act has authorized the military to utilize drones in domestic airspace, to gather intelligence that pertains to terrorism (Sauter Carafano, 2012). The military stated that a drone’s primary function is gathering Intel and protect individual rights protected by the U.S. Constitution. The question is, â€Å"How can a drone’s surveillance technique and video recording constitute as protecting an individual’s civil liberties?† Technology has continuously advanced throughout the decades and we have seen advances in military weaponry, telecommunication, social networks, healthcare/medical, automobile engineering, and aerospace. In light of several technological advancements previously stated, the invention of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) has evolved tremendously, and provided tactical advantages for both the military and law enforcement in numerous critical situations. The use of drones received both criticism and praise for what it is capable of . First and foremost, drones are not solely used as â€Å"killing machines†. A drone is a form of surveillance and dataveillance system, and is used for nonlethal purposes since the 1950s (Carpenter Shaikhouni, 2011).

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